On the streets of Eros, Holden and the gang plan to get to the Rocinante as quickly as possible, though a sudden radiation breach causes all of the ships in the station to go on lockdown. A map of Eros Station labeled "Protomolecule Evolution: Phase 2" is on display, looking a lot like the blueprint for a terrorist attack. In Julie's room, Dresden takes samples from Julie's body, claiming that whatever happened to her isn't airborne … "but if it's wet, don't touch it … unless you want something incredible to happen." Dresden says there's enough gunk in Julie's body for whatever he has planned and commands his associate Rutger to tell the crew to "prepare the injections." Dresden contacts Julie's father, Jules-Pierre Mao, breaking the news about his daughter's death but assuring him that he has a viable sample of what he calls the " protomolecule" and that the injections are being prepared. Sematimba tells them to get out and lay low while he tries to clean up the mess, though he's soon outranked when a sinister-looking fellow named Antony Dresden and his goons arrive, claiming they're looking for Julie Mao. A heartbroken Miller and the rest of the gang make their way back to the hotel lobby, where Sematimba meets them amongst the wreckage of the shoot-out. In the present, a barely recognizable Julie crawls into the shower stall, succumbing to the last phase of her condition just as Miller, Holden, Naomi, Amos and Alex bust through the door. Julie leaves the Anubis on Charted Belt Asteroid BA-834024112, takes the Anubis 1A shuttle to Eros Station and checks into the Blue Falcon Hotel under the name ' Lionel Polanski.' Her calls to Anderson Dawes go unanswered … and her body undergoes a grotesque and painful transformation, as whatever she came into contact with on the Anubis is slowly killing her. She makes her way to Engineering, coming into contact with some sort of blue glowing substance, and screams in terror at what she sees in the reactor. The Anubis then destroys the Canterbury, after which Julie escapes from her cell only to find a completely abandoned ship. Wan and Darren are killed by the "scientists" on board, whilst Julie is thrown into a padded room to be dealt with later. The OPA trio is surprised to find that the Anubis is not a simple science vessel but a stealth ship, one that easily overtakes the Scopuli. Julie Mao is on board the Scopuli, and tells her OPA associates Wan and Darren that her father's weapon is on the Anubis, and that they need to seize it to ensure it won't be used against the Belters. Near Asteroid CA-2216862, the Scopuli waits to intercept the Anubis. The episode begins with a flashback to about seven weeks prior to Miller coming up with his conspiracy theory involving the Anubis and the Scopuli.