Supercomputers are an essential part of modern science.

When the light hits the surface, the dirt layer and any oxides under it absorb the energy and then evaporate or crimp off, leaving no residue.” “It’s essentially a laser machine gun which shoots light bullets at an incredibly high pulse rate.

“Think of it a bit like a very powerful version of the kind of scanner you see in your local food store to scan barcodes,” Thijs Peeters, an R&D engineer for P-Laser, told Digital Trends. If lightsaber-wielding Jedis were forced to take jobs as cleaners, this is how they would do it! That miraculous creation shown is the work of Belgian company P-Laser, and can be used as a handheld tool to carry out such tasks as rust, heavy paint, and grease removal, along with a variety of other applications on a number of different surfaces. Next time you spend a few hours de-rusting an old piece of garden furniture or scrubbing the baked-on lasagna from last night’s oven dish, just think about how much faster you could be accomplishing the task if only you had access to a 1,000-watt laser cleaner.