Reddit purloin bartender terrace spyparty
Reddit purloin bartender terrace spyparty

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It is also possible for the number of available missions to be fewer than the amount of missions on the map. Most intermediate games use this sort of setup. In fact, the Spy does not need to declare which missions they want to do, instead they can accomplish missions opportunistically as they come up at the party. The Sniper does not know which 3 they are going to be. In “Any 3 of 4”, the Spy has 4 missions available, but only needs to accomplish 3 of them to win. In the simplified rule set, you were playing “Known 4.” This means that the Spy has to do 4 missions and the Sniper knows exactly which 4 missions the Spy is attempting to accomplish.

reddit purloin bartender terrace spyparty

The first thing you will notice is that the mission setup now says something like “Any 3 of 4.” This is the mission loadout.

Reddit purloin bartender terrace spyparty