you can use -P command line option to adjust the personal folders, see ". The U3 system will set some special U3 environment variables. "For an U3 package, you'll need an U3 stick to work properly. sudo adduser USER wireshark Then ensure that non-superusers are allowed to capture packets in wireshark.

Problem is we have 2500 machines and its random that they stop. On Fedora Core 6 the pppd capture file is created if 'record filename-of-your-choice' is added as a line in /etc/ppp/options. We have some XP machines that have an app that periodically stop communicating with the network. Wireshark can then be used to display the created capture file. (I find it hard to believe that the PortableApps platform is necessary.) First, check if you belong to the wireshark group with: groups USER To add yourself to the wireshark group, run the below command, then logout and login. The PPP control protocol traffic can be captured by configuring the ppp daemon to 'record' to a capture file all the data the daemon sends and receives. You will then get a new menu item on the PortableApps menu that will allow you to run Wireshark from your USB stick." "You need to have installed the PortableApps framework (Base, Standard or Lite) first.When you install WiresharkPortable on your stick from the PortableApps menu ("Options/Install New App") the appropriate Wireshark files will be installed on your stick. It was hard for me to find any information about WiresharkPortable, but I finally found a few pages about it.